GPMS featured in RotorHub’s June/July Issue Covering HUMS and the Move to Condition Based Maintenance

July 9 2021
GPMS featured in RotorHub’s June/July Issue Covering HUMS and the Move to Condition Based Maintenance

RotorHub’s Peter Donaldson has written a nuanced and important article on the potential for condition based maintenance in the helicopter industry and the use of Health and Usage Monitoring Systems like Foresight MX to achieve it. 

References GPMS’s Eric Bechhoefer, Donaldson writes that “the path from scheduled to condition-based maintenance is paved not with radical ideas, but with small but significant steps.”  He explains, “HUMS can inform the scheduled maintenance process by providing condition indicators ahead of time about components that are due to undergo inspection . . . This could help eliminate unscheduled maintenance by detecting developing issues far enough ahead for them to be scheduled in with upcoming planned work.”

Thank you to Peter, Glenn Sands, and the rest of the RotorHub team for a great piece. Subscribers can view full issue at or view the article here: RotorHub JunJuly 2021


How helicopter condition based maintenance is furthered by Health and Usage Monitoring Systems